Documentation - V1

Last updated: February 21th, 2020


A contact has the following structure :

      "id": "87B8994B-D521-A2C2-FA06-982B5F1DAFD2",
      "label": "VAN BRUGEL George",
      "firstname": "George",
      "lastname": "Van Brugel",
      "email": "",
      "mobilephone": "+32444449595",
      "addressl1": "18 rue de l'Eglise",
      "addressl2": "",
      "postalcode": "1160",
      "city": "Bruxelles",
      "country": "be",
      "nationality": "be",
      "birthdate": "1955-01-16T00:00:00+01:00"

Parameter Values Description
id uuid unique ID for this contact
label string contact's label (readonly)
firstname string contact's firstname
lastname string contact's lastname (required)
email string contact's email
mobilephone string contact's mobile phone
addressl1 string first line of the postal address
addressl2 string second line of the postal address
postalcode string address postal code
city string address city
country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 address country code
nationality ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 nationality country code
birthdate iso 8601 date string contact birthdate

Search for contacts


Access control : for application

Retreive a list of contacts

Parameter Values Description
limit integer the number of records to return (200 max)
offset integer record offset
lastname string lastname to filter
postalcode integer postalcode to filter
email string email to filter
orderreference string order reference to filter ('ORDXXXXX')
productcode string product code to filter
/{id} string contact details

Create a contact

/contacts [POST]

Access control : for application

Create a new contact

See all contact parameters

Update a contact

/contacts/{CONTACTID} [PATCH]

Access control : for application

Update an existing contact

See all contact parameters


A newsletter has the following structure :

      "id": "EFB659ED-928F-62C9-28DB-92C8A90D7056",
      "label": "La Newsletter du Blue Star",
      "description": "Cras quis risus in leo commodo finibus. Quisque nec tempor massa. Nunc eu dui lacinia, consectetur dui sed, molestie lectus.",
      "typeid": 1

Parameter Values Description
id uuid unique ID for this newsletter
label string newsletter's label
description string newsletter's description
typeid integer 2 : postal newsletter
other value : electronic newsletter

List newsletters


Access control : for application

Retreive the list of available newsletters

Parameter Values Description
limit integer the number of records to return (200 max)
offset integer record offset
keyword string keyword to filter
/{id} string newsletter details

Subscribe a contact to a newsletter

/contacts/newsletterid/{NEWSLETTERID}/{CONTACTID} [POST]

Access control : for application

Subscribe a contact from to newsletter

Unsubscribe a contact from a newsletter

/contacts/newsletterid/{NEWSLETTERID}/{CONTACTID} [DELETE]

Access control : for application

Unsubscribe a contact from a newsletter