Documentation - V1

Last updated: February 21th, 2020


An Attraction has the following structure :

    "id": "59872744-11A4-1891-F810-EEE1E3C435A3",
    "label": "Le spectacle ",
    "description": "",
    "typeid": "1",
    "agelimit": null,
    "cast": "",
    "duration": "",
    "additionaldescription": "",
    "image_url": "",
    "categories": [
        "id": "4654A1F1-3F96-5D6B-93D9-918CC794C2A5",
        "label": "Musique",
        "description": "Musique contemporaire et jazz morderne"
        "id": "9854A1F1-3F96-5D6B-93D9-918CC794C2A5",
        "label": "Exclusivité",
        "description": "Pour la première fois en Europe"
      "firstevent_date": "2021-05-04T20:00:00+02:00",
      "lastevent_date": "2021-05-05T20:00:00+02:00",
      "nb_events": 2
Parameter Values Description
id uuid unique ID for this attraction
label string name of the attraction
typeid int the type of attraction
  • 1 : show
  • 101 : exhibition
  • 102 : fair
  • 103 : festival
  • 104 : tour
  • 502 : restaurant
  • 601 : shuttle
  • 602 : travel
  • 1101 : childcare
  • 1102 : workshop
description string (html code) description of the event
agelimit int the audience recommended minimal age
cast string (html code) cast description
duration string attraction estimated duration
additionaldescription string additionnal information
image_url url link to the main image of the attraction
firstevent_date iso 8601 date string date of attraction's the first event
lastevent_date iso 8601 date string date of attraction's the last event
nb_events integer number of events for this attractions
categories category structure list attraction's categories

Attraction Category

A Category has the following structure :

    "id": "4654A1F1-3F96-5D6B-93D9-918CC794C2A5",
    "label": "Musique",
    "description": "Musique contemporaire et jazz morderne"
Parameter Values Description
id uuid unique ID for this serie
label string name of the category
description string description of the category

List attractions


Access control : for application

Retreive the list of the attractions

Parameter Values Description
limit integer the number of records to return (200 max)
offset integer record offset
categoryid string category to filter
keyword string keyword (title and description) to filter
day integer day to filter (1 to 31)
month integer month to filter (1 to 12)
year integer year to filter (example: 2020)
startdate string from date (example: '2020-12-09')
enddate string to date (example: '2021-01-10')
day of the week integer day of the week to filter
/{id} string attraction details

List attraction's categories


Access control : for application

Retreive the list of the attraction's categories

Parameter Values Description
limit integer the number of records to return (200 max)
offset integer record offset
keyword string keyword (title and description) to filter
/{id} string attraction category details


A Venue has the following structure :

    "id": "3842F832-B55C-8CF5-FE40-A95B99A00055",
    "label": "Le Théâtre du Centre",
    "addressl1": "58 rue de l'Eglise",
    "addressl2": "",
    "postalcode": "75000",
    "city": "Paris",
    "country": "fr",
    "map_url": ""
Parameter Values Description
id uuid unique ID for this venue
label string name of the venue
addressl1 string first line of the postal address
addressl2 string second line of the postal address
postalcode string address postal code
city string address city
country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 address country code
map_url url link to an external map

List venues


Access control : for application

Retreive the list of the venues

Parameter Values Description
limit integer the number of records to return (200 max)
offset integer record offset
postalcode string address postal code to filter
keyword string keyword (title) to filter
/{id} string venue details


An Event has the following structure :

  "id": "E0B0CAC7-CAE8-CB35-C60B-9BA188B095CF",
  "starttime": "2020-10-07T20:30:00+02:00",
  "endtime": null,
  "hastimeslots": false,
  "status": {
    "id": 10,
    "label": "published"
  "serie": {
    "id": "92EDF3A4-39E6-A075-99F6-9D59591942CD",
    "shop_url": ""
  "shop_url": "",
  "notes": "",
  "venue": {
    "id": "3842F832-B55C-8CF5-FE40-A95B99A00055",
    "label": "Le Théâtre du Centre",
    "addressl1": "58 rue de l'Eglise",
    "addressl2": "",
    "postalcode": "75000",
    "city": "Paris",
    "country": "fr",
    "map_url": ""
  "attraction": {
    "id": "59872744-11A4-1891-F810-EEE1E3C435A3",
    "label": "Le spectacle ",
    "description": "",
    "agelimit": null,
    "cast": "",
    "duration": "",
    "additionaldescription": "",
    "image_url": "",
    "categories": [
        "id": "4654A1F1-3F96-5D6B-93D9-918CC794C2A5",
        "label": "Musique",
        "description": "Musique contemporaire et jazz morderne"
        "id": "9854A1F1-3F96-5D6B-93D9-918CC794C2A5",
        "label": "Exclusivité",
        "description": "Pour la première fois en Europe"
      "firstevent_date": "",
      "lastevent_date": "",
      "nb_events": 0


Parameter Values Description
id uuid unique ID for this event
starttime iso 8601 date string the start date of the event
endtime iso 8601 date string/null the end date of the event
hastimeslots boolean define if timeslots are defined for this event (see below)
status See status list below the current status of the event
serie serie structure (see below) the information about the event serie
shop_url url the direct URL to the booking page
notes string important message to display
venue venue structure (see below) the information about the event venue
attraction attraction structure (see below) the information about the event attraction

Event status codes

Code Description
10 Published
11 No booking
20 Cancelled
25 Waiting list
30 Sold out
35 On site only
40 Abo/pack only


A Serie has the following structure :

"id": "92EDF3A4-39E6-A075-99F6-9D59591942CD",
"shop_url": ""
Parameter Values Description
id uuid unique ID for this serie
shop_url url the direct URL to the booking page for the serie

List future events


Access control : for application

Retreive the list of the future events

Parameter Values Description
limit integer the number of records to return (200 max)
offset integer record offset
venueid string venue to filter
attractionid string attraction to filter
categoryid string category to filter
day integer day to filter (1 to 31)
month integer month to filter (1 to 12)
year integer year to filter (example: 2020)
startdate string from date (example: '2020-12-09')
enddate string to date (example: '2021-01-10')
day of the week integer day of the week to filter
/{id} string event details


A Timeslot has the following structure :

      "id": "186ADCBD-80C2-FCD5-AA44-E58C456B029D",
      "eventid": "E1D18C06-A4E2-0FEC-8211-7143D5B0EE78",
      "starttime": "2021-01-20T09:15:00+01:00",
      "capacity": 8,
      "notes": ""

Parameter Values Description
id uuid unique ID for this timeslot
eventid uuid the event attached to this timeslot
starttime iso 8601 date string the start date of the timeslot
capacity integer the total capacity of the timeslot
notes string important message to display

List event time slots


Access control : for application

Retreive the list of timeslots

Parameter Values Description
limit integer the number of records to return (200 max)
offset integer record offset
eventid string event to filter
/{id} string time slot details